Wednesday, April 4, 2012




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    2013 拯救馬來西亞危機,拯救世界危機
    2013 Save Malaysia and The World
    2013 支持馬來西亞[一黨專政,以黨代家,家天下][三民主義][五權憲法][周公三公古制《周禮》][大赦天下][制禮作樂]
    2013 期望民聯大選前先主動宣布退出競選,以便促成朝野雙方共組一黨,不能再有第二黨


    文章簡介:依據大馬當前國情,大馬唯一活路是廢除兩線制,破釜沈舟,其中一方[大選前先主動做君子犧牲](希望是民聯)全黨退出競選,雙方協商,以孫中山先生主張結合東西方文化精粹破天荒政體[一黨專政,以黨代家]半民主半君主治國救世理念共組一黨,不能有第二黨,依據國情加以補充修正[三民主義,五權憲法],加上孫中山先生當年忽略的[周朝甚至往後歷代都用的周公三公古制《周禮》,專培養底下一代]舉孝廉傳統選舉制度,前提是[雙方必需共同擁護現任首相納吉先生繼續當統領大眾的首相],務必要公開[大赦天下]不再追究任何人從上至官下至百姓的過錯,循序漸進[制禮作樂]。《三民主義》 繼承中國堯、舜、禹、湯、文、武、周公、孔孟之道統,實為聖賢政治的現代化。連羅馬也亡國,更何況三十年後的美國,亡國不可怕,精神文化滅掉才可怕,怕的是人人連“信”都沒有何從建立“仁義禮智”。此事若處理得當半途沒有意外,能夠趁重組政黨大好機順便以事情的輕,重,急,緩處理幾個困擾大馬人民的重大課題和避免潛在的重重危機發生殃及無辜。


    According to the current conditions in Malaysia, Malaysia's only means of survival is the abolition of the two-line party, and use
    1) Dr. Sun Yat-Sen
    [One-Party Dictatorship]
    cannot have second party
    [Three People's Principles/San-min Doctrine]
    The third principle which is known as The Principle of Mínshēng (民生主義, Mínshēng Zhǔyì) or "the People's welfare/livelihood" or "Government for the People" should be amended/supplemented and phase by phase implemented according to current conditions in Malaysia as this third principle has not been completed by Dr. Sun Yat-Sen
    [Five-Power Constitution]
    which the above combines both the essence of Eastern and Western political system


    2)What Dr. Sun Yat-Sen has missing, which is traditional electoral system extracted from ancient records《Rites of the Zhou》by Duke of Zhou 周公 (11th cent. BCE) during Zhou Dynasty 周朝, where this ancient electoral system has been implemented from Zhou Dynasty until Ching Dynasty, the last dynasty of China. Duke of Zhou 周公 was praised by the great Confucious when he's young and when he's old and wish that Duke of Zhou to be his Great Great Teacher.

    The above two criterias were mentioned by world known Venerable Master ChingKung several times.


    3)The ruling and opposiiton parties should have consensus to form One Party only and both sides should continue to support Dato' Sri Haji Mohammad Najib bin Tun Haji Abdul Razak to be the Prime Minister after forming one party.

    4) Proclaim a general amnesty or announce amnesty
    No longer hold anyone's past mistakes regardless they are government officers, opposition parties or people of Malaysia start from the moment when one-pabty is formed

    5) Step-by-step implement the Rite and Music System according to the spirit and standard of《Rites of the Zhou》, not necessarily to copy 100% but we must retain the spirit and standard, adapt and improve according to current conditions of Malaysia.

    Even Rome Subjugated, Not to mention thiry years later of United States of America.
    Subjugation is not terrible, Extermination of Spiritual and Cultural was terrible.

    The most terrible part is when 信 (Faith) disappear whether it's "faith between people“ or even "faith in yourself". Faith is the root of establishment of 仁 (Benevolence) 義 (Righteousness) 禮 (Propriety) 智 (Wisdom) and this five elements are The Essence of Building a Harmonious Society introduced by the great Confucious.


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